2022年10月17日開催講演会:Detecting regionalism in Graeco-Roman cartonnage from the Western Egyptian Desert via multi-disciplinary investigation
金沢大学エジプト学特別講演会 2022-2
金沢大学古代文明・文化資源学研究所 / 新学術創成研究機構 共催
場所:人間社会第2講義棟 402教室
題目:Detecting regionalism in Graeco-Roman cartonnage from the Western Egyptian Desert via multi-disciplinary investigation
講演者:Dr. Carlo Rindi Nuzzolo (Centre for Ancient Cultures, Monash University, Melbourne)
Excavation by The Dakhleh Oasis Project at the village of ancient Kellis (modern Ismant al-Kharab, Dakhleh Oasis) discovered an extensive cemetery with hundreds of rock-cut tombs with multiple interments. The primary feature of the area, known as Kellis 1 cemetery , is the presence of richly-decorated cartonnage (mummy masks, foot-cases, full body covers) with which the bodies were equipped. Although many intact pieces were discovered at the site, a considerable quantity of artefacts was found shattered due to tomb reuse and robbery, whether in ancient or modern times. The present talk will focus on the multi-disciplinary investigation carried out so far to overcome this and other obstacles to the scientific research, to clarify their stylistic and craftsmanship features, and to identify lost pieces originating from this archaeological area.
連絡先:河合 望 (nozomu.kawai@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp)