

International Conference on ‘Buddhist monasteries in South Asia and China’

下記転送メッセージの通り、「仏教美術・考古学会」の第1回国際会議の案内が回覧されました。なお添付のサーキュラーは、野口宛までお問い合わせいただければ転送することが可能です。 野口 淳:fujimicho0@hotmail.com

International Conference on ‘Buddhist monasteries in South Asia and China’ organised by SBAA (Society for Buddhist Arts and Archaeology)
November, 2015, New Delhi, India

Historical background:
Buddhism began to spread to neighbouring countries during the reign of Mauryan King Asoka in the third century BCE. There existed two missions in opposite directions. Theravad sutras written in Pali language spread southward to Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma and Indonesia. Mahayan sutras spread northward to Central Asia, China, Korea and Japan; these Sanskrit scriptures were first translated into Central Asian languages and then into Chinese. The Chinese Tripitaka is the most complete collection of extant Buddhist scriptures; its influence reached beyond China to Korea and Japan. During the seventh century Buddhism spread from India to Tibet. As sutras were systematically translated into local language, Tibetan Buddhism came into being gradually.
Relics of Buddhism of different stages have been found in China in the shape of monasteries, stupas, Buddha images and ritual implements which present a good combination of Chinese and western elements. Buddhist sculptures are in the form of grottos carvings, painted clay figures etc.

Conference theme:
1. Buddhist monastery and temple sites in south Asia
2. Buddhist monastery and temple sites in China
3. Design of the Buddhist monastery in south Asia and China: A comparative study
4. St?+ipas, paintings and sculptures discovered in the Buddhist monastery sites
5. Documents and inscriptions related to the Buddhist monastery and temple

Official Languages: English and Chinese

Abstract/ Paper submission: Scholars are invited to submit the abstract of their proposed presentation, on one of the themes of the Conference. The abstracts (not be more than 250 words), should be submitted electronically as e-mail attachment and must accompany the name, affiliation, designation/ position, complete address, phone number and email address of the scholar. Submissions from China, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka should be made through the Country Coordinator (CC). Submissions from other countries should be sent directly to the contacts.
All proposals received by the last date, will be scrutinized by the Academic Committee, and those accepted will be scheduled for presentation at the Conference. The decision of the Academic Committee in this regard will be final.

Last date: The last date for submission of abstracts is 30 April 2015. Scholars whose proposals would be accepted for presentation at the Conference would be required to submit full text of their paper before 31 August 2015.

Publication: The papers presented at the Conference will be suitably edited, translated into English/ Chinese (as the case may be) and published in a book form, both in English and Chinese languages simultaneously, to be released at the subsequent Conference.

1. Dr. Ramesh Chandra Agrawal, President, Rock Art Society of India, E-212, Sector 9, Vijay Nagar,Ghaziabad (UP), INDIA
Email: rcagrawal1947@gmail.com
2. Prof. Chongfeng Li, Professor of Buddhist Art and Archaeology, School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University, Beijing, CHINA
Email: tflee@pku.edu.cn
3. Dr. Sanjay Garg Deputy Director, National Archives of India, Janpath, New Delhi 110001, INDIA
Email: sgarg30@hotmail.com