新学術領域研究「パレオアジア文化史学」A01/A02班主宰 国際ワークショップ
”Across the Movius Line – Cultural Geography of South and Southeast Asia in the Late Pleistocene”のお知らせ
Saturday November 18th, 2017
13:00–13:15 Opening remarks (Y. Nishiaki)
13:15–13:45 Introduction (A. Noguchi and R. Ono)
Session 1: Regional Variability in Lithic Technologies
13:45–14:15 Environments and cultural change in the Indian Subcontinent: implications for the dispersal of Homo sapiens in the Late Pleistocene (J. Blinkhorn)
14:15–14:45 Behind the lines: technology, adaptation and interaction of humans in the maritime environments of prehistoric Island Southeast Asia (A. Pawlik)
14:45–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–16:00 The anatomically modern human colonisation of Island Southeast Asia and Sahul 65-70kya (C. Clarkson and K. Norman)
16:00–16:30 Emergence of bladelets in the Levant and its behavioral meanings (S. Kadowaki)
16:30–17:30 Discussion 1: Regionality and variability of lithic technologies
18:30–20:30 Dinner *